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10 Early Signs of Esophageal Cancer

2 minute read


Esophageal cancer, which develops in the muscular tube that carries food and liquids from the mouth to the stomach, often goes undetected until it has reached an advanced stage. That’s why it’s important to recognize the subtle warning signs of the disease. Fortunately, you can learn everything you need to know about esophageal cancer with a search online right now, which could help you spot early symptoms.

Difficulty Swallowing

One of the most common early warning signs of esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing. You may feel like food is getting stuck in your throat or chest, or you may have to take smaller bites or chew your food more thoroughly in order to swallow.

Persistent Indigestion or Heartburn

If you experience persistent indigestion or heartburn, it could be a warning sign of esophageal cancer. This is especially true if your symptoms don’t improve with over-the-counter antacids or other treatments.

Chest Pain or Discomfort

Esophageal cancer can cause chest pain or discomfort, which can be felt as a burning sensation or pressure in the chest.

Unexplained Weight Loss

If you’re losing weight without trying, it could be a warning sign of esophageal cancer. This is especially true if you’re losing a significant amount of weight without changes to your diet or exercise routine.

Persistent Coughing or Hoarseness

If you have a persistent cough or hoarseness that doesn’t go away, it could be a warning sign of esophageal cancer. This is especially true if you don’t have any other cold or flu symptoms.

Pain or Difficulty Swallowing Pills

If you’re having pain or difficulty swallowing pills, it could be a warning sign of esophageal cancer. This is because the esophagus may be narrower than usual, making it harder to swallow.

Vomiting or Coughing up Blood

If you’re vomiting or coughing up blood, it could be a warning sign of esophageal cancer. This is because the cancer can cause bleeding in the esophagus, which can lead to blood in the vomit or coughed-up mucus.

Fatigue or Weakness

Esophageal cancer can cause fatigue or weakness, which can be a warning sign that the cancer is spreading to other parts of the body.

Frequent Hiccups

If you’re experiencing frequent hiccups that don’t go away, it could be a warning sign of esophageal cancer. This is because the cancer can irritate the nerves that control the diaphragm, which can lead to hiccups.

Pain in the Throat or Back

Esophageal cancer can cause pain in the throat or back, which can be a warning sign that the cancer has spread to nearby tissues or organs.

If you’re experiencing any of these warning signs, it’s important to see a doctor right away. Early detection is key to successful treatment of esophageal cancer.

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