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Could You Have Celiac Disease?

3 minute read


Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that affects 1 in 133 or 1% Americans. It is a serious autoimmune disorder that causes the body to react negatively to gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. When a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, it triggers an immune response that damages the small intestine. If left untreated, this damage can cause a host of health problems.

Statistics show that celiac disease is more common than many people think. However, only around 17% of people with the condition are properly diagnosed. This means that many people are living with celiac disease without knowing it, which can lead to serious health problems.

If you are experiencing symptoms that you think might be related to this disorder, read on for 8 symptoms of celiac disease. Given how the symptoms of celiac disease can often be misdiagnosed, it’s helpful to research this information online before consulting a doctor.

Digestive Issues

The most common symptoms of celiac disease are digestive problems such as bloating, excessive gas, chronic diarrhea and/or constipation, and stomach pain. These symptoms can be persistent and occur after eating foods containing gluten. Stool may be pale or white in color and typically floats.


A skin rash known as dermatitis herpetiformis is a symptom of celiac disease. This rash is characterized by itchy bumps and blisters that most often occur on the elbows, knees, and glutes. According to the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, roughly 17% of people with celiac disease experience this type of rash.

Brain “Fog”

Brain “fog” affects mental clarity, making it difficult to think clearly or concentrate. This symptom can also cause memory problems and confusion, leading to difficulties in completing everyday tasks. The exact cause of brain fog in celiac disease is not fully understood, but it may be related to nutrient deficiencies and inflammation. Fortunately, for many people with celiac disease, brain fog improves after adopting a gluten-free diet, which reduces inflammation and allows the body to heal.


Celiac disease can cause fatigue and weakness, even after getting adequate sleep. The body may struggle to absorb nutrients due to damage to the small intestine, which can lead to low energy levels.


Celiac disease can affect mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and irritability. The link between celiac disease and depression is not entirely understood, but may partially be related to disordered eating brought on by having to closely monitor food intake for gluten, which turns into restrictive eating.


Iron-deficiency anemia is a common symptom of celiac disease. The damage to the small intestine makes it harder for the body to absorb nutrients, including iron, which is essential for making red blood cells. As a result, people with celiac disease may experience anemia-related symptoms including fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, and headaches. Anemia can be detected with a simple blood test and can be treated with iron supplements or by adopting a gluten-free diet.


Celiac disease can affect fertility in both men and women. Women with undiagnosed celiac disease may have irregular menstrual cycles and trouble getting pregnant, and men may experience infertility due to damage to the testes, leading to reduced sperm quality and quantity. However, the exact mechanism behind how celiac disease affects fertility is not fully understood by researchers.

Growth Issues in Children

In children, celiac disease can cause growth issues due to nutrient deficiencies. The damage to the small intestine can prevent the body from absorbing the nutrients, such as protein, fat, and vitamins, needed for healthy growth and development.Children with undiagnosed celiac disease may experience delayed growth, failure to thrive, and developmental delays.

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