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Understanding the Potential Short and Long Term Risks of Dental Implants

4 minute read


While the benefits of dental implants are undeniable, it’s important to consider the potential risks associated with the procedure. Fortunately, you can learn everything you need to know about dental implants with a search online right now, which could help you decide if they’re right for you.

Short-Term Risks

Dental implant surgery involves surgically implanting a metal post into the jawbone and attaching an artificial tooth to it. Although it has a high success rate, it’s important to understand that there are short and long-term risks associated with the procedure. We’ll start with a look at the short-term risks.

Pain or Discomfort

After the surgery, you are likely to experience swelling and discomfort, even if everything goes perfectly. You can manage this with over-the-counter painkillers or stronger medication prescribed by your dentist.

Infection or Poor Healing

The mouth is full of bacteria, which can cause infections in surgical wounds. Your dentist must follow proper sterilization procedures, and you must follow their instructions after the surgery to avoid infection.

Previous Medical Conditions

Some pre-existing medical conditions, such as cancer, alcoholism, gum disease, and diabetes, can affect your body’s ability to handle implant surgery. You must discuss these conditions with your dentist before the surgery.

Surgical Skill

The skill of the surgeon is important as the anchoring process is quite invasive. A skilled dental surgeon minimizes pain, swelling, infection, or the implant failing.


Implants should not move once in place as they are anchored to the bone. Micromovement can cause the implant to fail, so immediate implants are not recommended. You must follow a soft food or liquid diet for 2-3 months to keep the implant safe.

Lack of Bone

The implant must sit firmly in the jaw bone, and if there is not enough bone, the implant is more likely to fail. Your dentist can do a bone graft to promote bone growth.

Improper Aftercare

Following your doctor’s instructions after the surgery is crucial for the success of the implant.

Long-Term Risks

Although dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, there are potential long-term risks associated with this procedure that must be considered. Understanding these long-term risks will help you make an informed decision about whether dental implant surgery is the right choice for you in the long run.

Nerve Damage

Although rare, nerve damage in the area can lead to pain, numbness, or tingling sensation in your teeth, gums, lips, or chin areas.

Sinus Problems

Dental implants on upper teeth can protrude into your sinus cavities if not placed properly, leading to pain, breathing issues, sleeping difficulties, and headaches.

Poor Dental Hygiene

Your gums and tooth roots need to remain healthy to keep the implant(s) in place. Proper cleaning and regular visits to the dentist are essential.

Too Much Pressure/Stress on the Implants

External forces, usually from other teeth, can cause long-term problems if the teeth don’t fit the anchors correctly.

Poor Planning/Improper Implant Placement

Implants that are too short, too small, or at an angle that causes too much stress in the future can lead to complications years after the surgery.

Bad Habits

Smoking, chewing ice or hard candy, and grinding teeth can also damage implants. You must avoid anything that causes unneeded pressure and seek treatment for teeth grinding.

Low Risk, High Reward!

Dental implant surgery can be an effective way to replace missing teeth, but it is important to be aware of the potential short and long-term risks associated with the procedure. Short-term risks like infection, micromovement, and lack of bone, and long-term risks like sinus problems, poor hygiene, and improper implant placement must be considered.

To ensure the success of the procedure, it is important to discuss these risks with your dental professional, choose a skilled surgeon, and follow proper aftercare instructions. By taking these precautions, you can minimize the risks associated with dental implant surgery and enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile for years to come.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

While it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with dental implant surgery, the benefits of this procedure can’t be overstated. Dental implants offer a multitude of advantages, including improved chewing ability, enhanced speech, and a natural-looking smile. They’re durable, long-lasting, and can prevent the bone loss that often occurs with missing teeth. Dental implants also eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience of removable dentures, allowing you to enjoy life with confidence.

Start Your Search Today

If you’re considering dental implant surgery, it’s essential to weigh both the potential risks and the significant benefits. To start your journey towards a healthier, more beautiful smile, search online for reputable dental clinics offering affordable dental implants in your area. Book consultations to find out if dental implants are the right fit for you and to discover options that align with your budget. Your quest for a confident and radiant smile begins now!

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