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Paralegal Degrees to Jump Start Your Career

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The legal field is one of the most popular and lucrative career paths in the United States. And while becoming a lawyer requires years of education and training, there’s another profession that offers a great alternative: becoming a paralegal. Paralegals are skilled professionals who work alongside attorneys, providing essential legal support in a variety of settings, from law firms to corporations and government agencies.

A paralegal degree can be an excellent way to jumpstart your legal career, whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance in the field. But with so many options out there, how do you know which degree program to choose? In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the top paralegal degrees in the US, and what they can offer you in terms of education, career prospects, and earning potential. If you’re interested in becoming a paralegal, you can find accredited programs with an online search right now.

There are three main types of degrees that you can pursue:

1. Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies

If you’re looking for a shorter, more affordable option, an Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies is a great choice. This degree typically takes two years to complete and covers the basics of legal research, writing, and ethics, as well as practical skills like case management and document preparation. An associate degree can be a good stepping stone to a higher degree, or it can provide you with the necessary skills to start working as a paralegal right away. According to, the annual salary for a Paralegal I with an associate degree ranges from $60,978 – $65,284.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies

For a more comprehensive education, a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Studies is the way to go. This four-year program covers a wider range of topics, from contract law to criminal justice, and provides a more in-depth understanding of the legal system as a whole. A bachelor’s degree can give you a competitive edge in the job market, as well as open up opportunities for advancement in the field. According to, the annual salary for a Paralegal I with a bachelor’s degree ranges from $62,193 – $66,404.

3. Master’s Degree in Paralegal Studies

If you’re looking to specialize in a particular area of law, or if you’re interested in pursuing a leadership role in your organization, a Master’s Degree in Paralegal Studies may be the right choice for you. This degree typically takes two years to complete and covers advanced legal topics like litigation, intellectual property, and international law, as well as leadership and management skills. A master’s degree can qualify you for high-level positions in law firms or corporate legal departments, as well as open up opportunities for teaching or consulting. According to, the annual salary for a Paralegal I with a master’s degree ranges from $63,297 – $67,688.

How To Choose The Right Program For You

Choosing the right program is an important step towards your career as a paralegal. You should take into account your career goals, interests, and educational needs when selecting a program. Other factors to consider include campus location, program length, tuition costs, accreditation, and the program’s reputation.

You may also want to consider online programs or programs that offer flexible schedules to accommodate work or other commitments – especially if you’re already in the workforce or aren’t able to easily relocate. It’s a good idea to speak with current students or alumni to get a better understanding of the program’s strengths and weaknesses. Taking the time to carefully research and evaluate your options will help you find the best program to jumpstart your career as a paralegal.

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